Dive into the eerie decadence of the Abyssal Laboratory as Urax struggles against torment, and a monstrous hybrid emerges from chaos to wreak havoc. Witness Lyra’s desperate attempt to counter destruction as its portal to is hijacked, unleashing terror into the Valley of Dusk. The bio-weapons departure leaves the fortress defenseless as a legion of devils arrives to obliterate every fiend in their path.
It’s... it’s alive, isn’t it? The walls, they—they’re breathing.
Alive? Breathing? No, Urax, don’t be so... limited in your observations. This is not life, not in any crude biological sense. It is creation—perpetual, exquisite creation tethered to decay. The Abyss, in all its mercy, provides the perfect canvas for such duality.
But—but it’s rotting. The—the walls, the floor, all of it! It’s... slick with ichor, and, and here—look, look at that—
Yes, those veins. Lovely, aren’t they?
Lovely? They—they pulse, like they’re... feeding off us or—or—or something worse. I don’t think I can—
Stop. Think. You’re trembling again, Urax. If there’s one thing this laboratory demands, it is the delicious balance of fear and obedience. Your doubt—it tempers the fire. Now, breathe, observe with your many eyes. What do you see?
I—I can’t... All I see is—is the Godling. It—it’s—it’s splitting open! It’s—it’s—it’s swelling. What’s happening to it?
Precisely as planned. The reservoir is being transferred, and our captive grows bloated—every stolen soul bringing us towards a boundary even the gods would never breach. You feel it, don’t you? The potential of such destruction. The immanence. To counter the legion, Urax, this is necessary.
Necessary? Necessary? It—it’s going to be unmade! We—we’re standing here feeding it and... and it’s—it’s gonna—
We will unbind the Godling. Yes. Creation and obliteration are integral to its structure, after all. When it breaks, as it must, we will witness unfathomable beauty. A cascade of carnage. New life clawing from destruction. Tell me, Urax, do you feel fear?
Too much, I—I just want to get out of here. I don’t want to—to see this. I can feel it, sir, feel it in my chest, in my teeth—it’s—it’s wrong.
That gnawing dread you feel, Urax? Treasure it. Your emotions are a necessary part of this experiment’s triumph. Come now, watch closely. Our minor God is yet to reveal its perfection.
Perfection? You—you call this—
Perfect, yes. The ring begins to break, doesn’t it? Look deeper, Urax, deeper into its unbinding. Time itself is bleeding ... Oh, what delight to stand on the precipice, knowing that from ruin comes dominion.
This isn’t... I can’t—I can’t keep watching, sir. It—it’s too much—the—the noise, the—the souls we are forcing into it. They—they’re screaming.
Screaming only because they do not understand. They believe themselves to be consumed, yet here they are unionized into something far grander. This is not horror, Urax, but transcendence.
Trans... I—I don’t think I—
Silence. Focus. Our captive trembles. It nears its apex. Release them all now Urax, let all our little children feed on the bounty that is to be revealed and discover who among them has the greatest appetite.
It’s—it’s happening, just like you said. The—the Godling... it’s—it’s broken apart. Our experiments are fighting for its blood, but what is that? That—thing—it’s—it’s getting larger, isn’t it?
Ah, witness its magnificence. The divine anatomy shattered, as it must, but look, Urax—look. Within the carnage, something exquisite rises. Our new hybrid. Primordial veins stretched across dark wings, ensnaring time and shadow. Glorious.
Glorious? That... thing? It’s—oh, gods—it’s moving! Like, like a... a blur—a—a mist. Is—is it looking at us?
It sees far beyond us. You feel it, don’t you? That prescience, its chilling foresight. This Desmodontinae is now a vortex of blood and shadow, it bends fate itself. This is no mere beast, Urax. It is inevitability incarnate.
But—it—it—it’s too fast! I—I can’t even track it. We—we should run. Please, sir, we—we can’t stay here. It’ll kill us!
Run? When on the cusp of such revelation? No, Urax. We observe. Every kiss with its incisors draws life, every movement sharpens its purpose. The blood soaked into these stones, the shadows stretching towards it from each empty cage—they all fall into it, completing its form. Do you see it?
I—I see it, but it’s—it’s destroying everything. The—our poor Vargouille—they—they’re just... Oh. Oh no... It—it drained them. All of them! They—they have been emptied!
Annihilation heralds creation. Each lifeless vessel, each new husk—fuel for its ascension. Do not grieve for them, Urax. Their purpose aligns with ours: dominion reborn amidst perfect chaos.
Dominion? It’s—it’s not under control! Look! The—the containment circles —they —they're down! It sees us, sir. It—it knows everything we’re—we’re trying to do. We—we’ve lost it!
Lost? No. Loosed. The hybrid cannot be restrained, nor should it be. Its prescience fails only where we expect servitude. It is sublime freedom shaped into primordial flesh—an unholy weapon ripe for revelation.
Revelation? It—it’s coming this way! Sir, we—we need to leave! Please, it’s—it’s ripping through the entire—
Cease your trembling, Urax. This laboratory was built to witness such moments, to dissolve in their purity. Let the hybrid rampage, let its essence consume. This is the nature of evolution.
It—it—it just... it won’t stop! Sir, it’s—it’s feeding, everyone—everything—it’s—it’s going to—
It’s—it’s here! It broke through—through everything! The—the control chamber door! Sir, it—it’s breaking apart the walls! I—I can hear it—it’s coming closer—we’re—we’re trapped!
Compose yourself, Urax. Your fear has completed its function. The hybrid consumes the living essence faster than its form can assimilate. It will forever hunger—it will pursue. Yet, it can still be... deceived.
Deceived? It—it just tore through every protective glyph —I—I don’t think—
You aren’t here to think, Urax. You are here to obey! Focus your pitiful mind on what remains under our command. The failsafe—the portal. The last thread between us and escape.
The—the portal? But—but it’s—it—it doesn’t lead anywhere safe! I—I thought it—it wasn’t even stable! What if it—
It offers no sanctuary, but perhaps a distraction. A measured distance between annihilation and those of us... clever—or desperate—enough.
But—but we don’t even know where the portal will take us! And—oh gods—it—it’s breaking through! It’s—it’s—it’s here! Sir, the—the hybrid—it—it’s looking right at us!
It doesn’t see us, Urax. No, it sees our intentions, calculates our desperation. How... exquisite. A creature steeped in inevitability cannot be contained, but perhaps... it may be guided. This is its final reckoning.
Final reckoning? You—you’re gambling everything! How can you just—just stand there while it—it’s about to tear us apart!
Stand? No, Urax. Now, act.
I—I don’t—what do you—
Activate the failsafe with me, Urax!
The failsafe—it’s—it’s not stable—it’s—it’s gonna collapse us, I—I can’t! I can’t!
Do it!
Alright—alright, I—I’m—
Now. Witness.
It’s—it’s opening! It—it’s pulling everything in! The—walls, my claws, it's all stretching ... it's too much ... everything is —it doesn’t feel like salvation!
You don’t escape salvation, Urax. You gamble by embracing the void. And sometimes... the void demands a greater partner.
What—what is it doing? The hybrid—it—it’s going towards it—it—it’s using the portal! No! It—it’s—it’s leaving us here—it—it knows! Sir, it—it left us!
Magnificent. It claims its own path. To go beyond... is defiance itself.
Defiance? But—but what about us? The— legion—the devils—they’re going to overrun! We’re—we’re all... Oh no. It’s—it’s over, isn’t it? We’re—
Over? Not at all, Urax. All things collapse. Creation yearns for ruin... as ruin yearns for rebirth. And now... we face our final moment.
I—I didn’t want this. I—I didn’t... i want to hide...
Want? Desire shapes chaos into purpose, Urax. But want has no place here. Now, let us embrace the inevitable collapse.
Chapters (3)
About the podcast
This podcast takes its inspiration from Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights to create deep gothic history and lore of Barovia, a cursed land in the Dungeons & Dragons setting. The primary focus is on Strahd von Zarovich, a vampire lord whose tragic past and obsession with Ireena (Tatyana's reincarnation) fuel the land's perpetual curse. Supporting characters, such as Rahadin and Babushka Lysaga, played significant roles in Strahd's transformation and the ongoing conflict. The sources also describe various locations, including Ravenloft castle and the Amber Temple, alongside accounts of adventures within Barovia. The series includes gameplay transcripts from a Curse of Strahd campaign, illustrating player interactions and the unfolding narrative within the game's world.
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